Wednesday, October 10, 2012

Family Visits, Conference, and Hair

It's been an eventful month.  I had my 26th birthday.  Not much happened, but I'm totally okay with that.  Brandon took me out to lunch and dinner and gave me tulip bulbs to plant.  The other half of my present was to watch Kayla while I planted.  I was able to get it done last weekend. Yay!  I'm excited to see how it will turn out next Spring.  I'll be interested to see what else pops up in our garden come Spring...

Clark, Lonnie, and MaKena came to visit us for Conference Weekend.  It was a lot of fun.  We found out that two babies cannot sleep on the same floor level.  No one gets any sleep that way.  So we switched up the sleeping arrangements on the second night and it was much better. 

As for the actual Conference, I thought it was fantastic.   By the end, I feel like there's a general theme that most of the speakers talk about either in depth or briefly.  I felt like a major theme this Conference was family and keeping the family values strong in the home.  Very good stuff!  It was also so exciting to hear about young men being able to leave for their missions as early as 18 and 19 for women.  I love seeing the Church grow.

Some other exciting news is that I found out that Kayla's hair is long enough to pull back and do something with!  I tried it out yesterday, and here's the result:

Cutest pig-tails ever!

We found out that Kayla gets stir crazy, and if she doesn't get to play outside, no one's happy.  So I took her to the park yesterday.  There's one by 1200 N and 200 W in Orem that I really like because I can get on the playground without too much difficulty.

Kayla found this tunnel and went most of the way in.  This was one area I let her explore alone.  There was no way I was getting my butt stuck in there!

Such a happy baby!  You can't tell from here, but she finally got her third tooth (the top one) in.  The other top one should be coming soon, but it's such a relief that they're finally coming in.  Those first two came in at about 10 months.  She's about 14 now, so it took a while...She'll be able to bite and chew a bit better now.  It's going to open up more food possibilities.  She's been pretty picky lately, but she has no problem communicating that she doesn't want to eat something: she throws it on the floor.  Floor means, "No, Mom, I don't want that anymore.  Give me something else to try before I decorate your floor again!"  Hopefully one day she'll be able to communicate with words; it's usually less messy that way.

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